Patrick Fagan on nudging and manipulation – Jerm Warfare

Mirrored from Jerm Warfare, 20-6-2022 (52min). Patrick Fagan is a lecturer, author, and public speaker, and consults for brands and political campaigns around the world. He was the lead behavioural scientist at the now-infamous Cambridge Analytica. Patrick has a healthy understanding of human minds and how they work, and knows how to optimise communication through […]

Breaking the Chains: a Guide to Nudging You – PANDA

Mirrored from PANDA (Pandemic Data Analytics), 27-1-2022 (10min). Governments and organisations worldwide have used short media videos comprehensively to push messages of fear and compliance. By using these videos to illustrate the level of manipulation that is being orchestrated, you can become more aware of it and future propaganda. When this video was released in […]